29.11.2023 / Articles

Healthy eating: basic concepts, principles, peculiarities

Some people easily achieve the desired results and lead a healthy lifestyle, while the others only torture themselves in vain. Strict diets, exhausting training, severe restrictions do not reduce the hated centimeters or even lead to health problems.

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29.11.2023 / Articles

Altai honey: beneficial properties and varieties

Altai honey has unique flavor and medicinal qualities. They are due to the presence of nectar from a large number of plants. Some of them grow exclusively on the territory of Altai.

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29.11.2023 / Articles

Benefits of herbal tea

Nature is a rich source of valuable substances. How can you calm nerves, restore immunity, cleanse the body and improve health? Natural herbal teas will help you. The benefits of herbal tea have been known for thousands of years. But where can people of megacities get acquainted with environmentally friendly drinks?
The company “Alteya” offers you a large selection of healing phytoteas. The delivery is carried out throughout Russia.

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29.11.2023 / Articles

The healthiest porridge for breakfast. Where to start your day?

Porridge was included in our diet from early childhood – one served semolina with lumps hated by everyone in kindergarten, and it was pleasant to eat buckwheat, rice or oatmeal porridge at home.

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28.11.2023 / Articles

Stone oil. Beneficial properties and use in folk medicine

In its usual form, brakshun is a solid substance. It is sold in the form of powder or capsules. The color of the stone oil can be different (white, creamy, greenish): it depends on the rock in which it was formed.

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28.11.2023 / Articles

Cedar nut oil: beneficial properties and application

Cedar nut oil is considered the most healthful of vegetable oils, contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, easily digested by the body. Thanks to its beneficial properties, the product is used not only for food, but also for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. It is suitable for skin and hair care, it is used to treat a number of rheumatic, gastroenterological and cardiovascular diseases. Let's take a closer look at what its features are. Let's take a closer look at what its features are.

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28.11.2023 / Articles

Aromatic and healing tea with sea buckthorn – benefits and brewing features

The benefits of golden sea buckthorn are difficult to overestimate. Our ancestors were well aware of healing properties of the berry. People drank the aromatic tea with sea buckthorn against any ailments in the times of the Ancient Rus. Colds or heart problems, lack of vitamins or stomach aches – our ancestors had one recipe for salvation – a cup of hot drink from sea buckthorn, in search of which they went to the swamps. They collected everything: leaves, berries and even bark, which was actively used in medicine. Berries were saved for delicious tea.

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28.11.2023 / Recipes

Pear & Blue Cheese Salad

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28.11.2023 / Recipes

Strawberry Salad

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28.11.2023 / Recipes


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11.07.2023 / Articles

The Power of Nuts

Nuts are a storehouse of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. They are a great alternative to meat for vegetarians and fasting people. Nuts do not raise cholesterol and satisfy hunger despite their high fat content. Nut oil and flour are highly valued in cooking because they give dishes a pleasant nutty aroma, exquisite flavor and multiply the health benefits of the dish.

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22.09.2022 / Articles

Tea Mushroom Secrets

It is safe to say that the birch is an unofficial symbol of our country. Poets dedicated poems to it, craftsmen made ware and decorations from its wood, and our distant ancestors used birch bark for their manuscripts. Birch is indispensable in everyday life: its logs were used for heating oven, branches were used to feed livestock or to make birch brooms for sauna, and in springtime we drank birch sap and saturated the body weakened after a long winter with vitamins. The birch tree also shares another of its riches with us – chaga.

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22.09.2022 / News

International Exhibition

Prodexpo is the largest international food and beverage exhibition in Russia and Eastern Europe. Our company will traditionally take part in the exhibition and present its new products. If you want to be the first to get acquainted with new products, get expert advice and taste our products, then we are waiting for you at our stand.

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22.09.2022 / News

Vitamin complexes with rock oil

We are glad to present you a new series of vitamin complexes based on rock oil and wormwood.

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22.09.2022 / News

Price change

Since March 3, 2022, there has been a price change in our online store.

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16.09.2022 / Recipes


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16.09.2022 / Recipes

Flax Seed

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